Things are still rough around the edges here. Especially in the default theme area, and getting things installed. I’ve blogged in the past in other places, but never had a home for work related things. It’s my goal to make this an interesting blog for my visitors, such that you consider being a bit more than just a visitor. But, for that to happen, you have to find something useful here.
In that vein, I hope to discuss my field(s) (Thin Film Semiconductor Growth and Polymer Science), as well as items related to Productivity (GTD, Now Habit, Seven Habits, lifehacks). My goal is to post with mild regularity. I’ll err on the side of fewer posts, with more information, if I have my way.
So, please forgive the dust and construction. The next time you visit things might look differently, don’t be shocked. I’m always wanting to hear what you think, any suggestions you have about the things I’m discussing here, or your own experiences.
In the coming months I’ll be relaying some of my own methods of work. Right now I’m a doctoral candidate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Hopefully soon, the thesis will be completed, the dissertation accepted, and I’ll be on my way to bigger things. I have a lot of work to do before that happens, though.
These formative years have taught me a lot, and I commiserate with all you doctoral students out there. I hope you get something from these pages, and don’t hesitate to be in touch.
Your humble author and admin,