I had the pleasure of briefly meeting and listening to Dr. Gregg Zank (CTO- Dow Corning) this evening. Some very interesting work going on at Dow Corning! In particular, his discussion of a waterless powdered shampoo product for third world countries was quite amazing. It’s wonderful to imagine a waterless shampoo, let alone one that is distributed as a dry product in single use packets! Very interesting. It reminded me of another interesting humanitarian project that I’ve talked about before…
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Tag Archives: Great Scientists
Update: Dow Corning Partners With Prof. Silver’s Adaptive Lens Program!
Another silent key… Howard Knoebel, W9MBD, 73s, you’ll be sorely missed.
Very sad news. Howard Knoebel passed away at the age of 85 in Neoga, IL, Nov. 19th. Here’s a picture of Howard I snagged from his website. I hope to have a bit more about him in a future post. In particular some of the fantastic science he accomplished.
One hilarious anecdote is that Howard actually calculated whether or not it is worth your while to pick up a penny on the sidewalk. His calculations show it is not. He basically calculated how much you would make an hour if at every step of the way there was a penny to pick up. It turns out you won’t make minimum wage by doing so. Hence, it does not pay to pick up a penny on the sidewalk. Howard was a bit of a rascal Scientist, I think that’s not too bad a name for his ever present creation and discovery. He always had his hands in something. We were all sure that his tractor with various add-ons would flip over on top of him one day. He also had a hatred towards wood peckers.
You’ll be sorely missed, Howard. I regret not being more in touch than we were. 73 DE N9RZC!
ps- Howard’s website can be found here (for while it is still up): Howard’s RR1 Site